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Excel named ranges tables

Table names seem very similar to named ranges in Excel. However, my workflow bombs when I try to read in a named table. Instead, I have to open the workbook, find the range of the table, and then type the range in the input tool. Alternatively, I could name the range that the table is in. However, I don't want to have a table name and a range name that are both referring to the same thing. So, I'd like to be able to read in a table I have in an excel workbook based on the name of the table. Does that make sense? Anything I can do to make the question clearer? Thank you!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @Humphrey1990, thank you for your idea! We appreciate the time our users take to provide us feedback and help us improve our product. Make sure to also check out other users’ ideas, and "Like" the ones you'd like to see in the product. 

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Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes