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Error outputs on tools

Right now - if a tool generates an error - there is nothing productive that you can do with the error rows, these are just sent to the error log and depending on your settings the entire canvas will fail.


Could we change this in the Designer to work more like SSIS - where almost every tool has an error output, so that you can send the good rows one way, and the error rows the other way, and then continue processing?    The error rows can be sent to an error table or workflow or data-quality service; and the good rows can be sent onwards.   Because you have access to the error rows, you can also do run stats of "successful rows vs. unsuccessful"


This would make a big difference in the velocity of developing a canvas or prepping data.


Can take some screenshots if that helps?

10 - Fireball

This would be immensely useful for me. I currently have a workflow that is gleaning information from Excel files. The only problem is that sometimes people in other departments are opening these files and leaving them open overnight (grrr....). So what I end up with in the error log is the pathname and the error message that 'the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (32)'


What I would love to do is retrieve a log of the errors and from that glean the pathname and flag this as one of those that needs to be re-run. As it stands right now, it is a manual process that I need to tend to daily.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey all,

I had a conversation with some users today who are battling with exactly this.

  • 1M rows in a workflow
  • 999 999 are OK
  • One has an eMail address which is invalid
  • the eMail tool will abort the entire workflow for that one eMail address


A much better approach would be to have an error output on every tool (including the eMail too) so that the user can elect to have errors on an E anchor so that they can do something useful with them (like re-processing them; eMailing the errors to the developer etc).