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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Enable communication between Alteryx and SharePoint online for file input and outputs

Most organizations are moving to the cloud and Microsoft is the biggest one in the game.

I pleased that you have updated the List tool to connect to SP 365 but soon all of the shared drives will be online and if its vital for Alteryx success to be able to communicate, pull and export data to those locations. 


With the Desktop, there is a way to make it work by authenticating and for the previous SP version by logging on to SharePoint first on the server then the scheduler would run successfully. Now the scheduler isn't able to take advantage of the authentication already established. 



If Alteryx isn't able to keep up it will soon find itself behind in innovation and tool of choice.

Status changed to: Coming Soon

Hi @levell_x_dunn ,


this connector will be available in an upcoming release.



Status changed to: Implemented

The connector is available and can be downloaded from the Sharepoint Files tools page. 

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