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Email Event Wildcard Documentation

I would like to see documentation around the Wildcard options for the Event Email triggers. Some of the options I would like to see include:


1. FileName (not the directory location, for the Subject Line)

2.Specific Message Type Log (Errors Only, Warning Only, etc)

3. Total Runtime

4. Workflow Version # (From Gallery)

5. Alteryx Created Version

6. Files Created (Full Directory location so it is clickable)


Currently there are the following fields available:


"Alteryx": %AppName%

Full Directory Location: %Module%

User: %User%
Computer Name: %ComputerName%
Working Directory : %WorkingDir%
Error Count: %NumErrors%
Conversion Errors Count : %NumConvErrors%
Warning Count : %Warnings%

Full Log: %OutputLog%


6 - Meteoroid

Regarding the above question from @andrewdatakim, have any new variables been added for use in Event tab emails with version 2018.x?

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @bstephenf2 ,


I have not seen any new variables to date.

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar
Excellent idea, Andrew!
5 - Atom

Would it be possible for an Event to show a "Run with Errors" when "0 records were read in from ...."?  In the Run Without Errors Event email, it indicates the workflow ran successfully, but with no data.  In reality this should be an error because the workflow writes 0 outputs.  Is there a way to amend the event to look for this?  Thanks in advance.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

I know I have to be missing something -- if this is in "Accepting Votes", where is it located? Please make the hyperlink actually link to the vote for this ask, not the landing space (which appears to NOT be searchable) where you are currently accepting votes on 1,672 ideas:




I can't sort this alphabetically, by author, by date, etc. Please make it easy for us to vote on ideas, I don't think many people want to peruse thru 84 pages of ideas to find the one they actually want to vote for. 


Again, I have to simply be missing how I can go to this idea directly, or vote for it on the direct URL where the post lands. Does "Liking" it count as my vote?



Sorry if I'm being dense, it's a Friday before a holiday weekend!



8 - Asteroid

It will be helpful if users can create and set custom variables as well to be used under the Events.





This allows setting variables on a given environment outside of the workflow. When deploying workflows to DEV/UAT/PROD environments, the deployment process (CI/CD) can in a fully automated manner without the need to open up each workflow post deployment and modifying these values.


While in DEV, the failure alerts are supposed to be going to the DEV team only, when the workflow executes in UAT environment, it would go to a larger QA/UAT group and same for PROD, where the failures can additionally go to support team. 


One of the Alteryx engineers suggested to externally modify the XML file, but this adds unnecessary complexity of executing a script prior to deployments, etc.


It would be very helpful to allow us to create custom variables and use them in the Event triggers.


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Great Idea!