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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Easily disable any posibility of posting to the Gallery

For many of us who use Alteryx to transform sensitive data, the Gallery is only a potential liability.  While Alteryx was able to disable the Gallery for us through a custom solution, it seems like users/account admins should be able to draw a hard line more easily and confirm Alteryx is only enabled to work on prem. 
7 - Meteor

This is absolutely critical. Please address.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

With 10.1, we have released the ability to configure Alteryx Designer to make the Save to Gallery options unavailable (hidden entirely). This is an XML file change meant to help automate the configuration change with larger installations, but can certainly be accomplished for smaller deployments too. More on this feature can be found on the Alteryx Downloads page, and the documentation for how to make this modification can be found in the Alteryx Command Line Install Guide. Let me know if this helps or if you have any questions or want to dive into any of this further.

7 - Meteor

Perhaps I'm missing the combination of options here, but how can one allow internal / on-premise gallery addition but disable ONLY the Alteryx Public Gallery ( ?  Perhaps another configuration options would be to allow management of gallery instances on specific domains.  In the end, we just want to be sure that our data doesn't accidentally get published externally. And it is far too easy to do. 

7 - Meteor

I think what's missing here is a blacklist.  

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

 Hey Mark,


To accomplish that I believe you're looking for (set it up so users can publish workflows only to a specific gallery), that can be done within the XML configuration as documented. Specifically for this instance, your XML snippet would look like:







When the Designer is open with that configuration, the user will have the ability to only publish to The Alteryx Analytics Gallery would no longer be an option.


Let me know if this is what you're looking for, or if there is more there that we can work on.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented