Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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EMail notifications: Make eMail settings Alteryx-Designer wide

Currently when you add an event to notify you of workflow failure / success - you have to enter the SMTP settings every time.    It would be more efficient to set this up as a user setting which can be used for the default across all canvasses that this user creates.


Annotation 2019-12-27 180328.pngSettings.png

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Hi All!


Thank you for your feedback! While we like this idea, we cannot place it on the near future road map. As such I am updating the status to Not Planned to reflect this. To properly implement this feature, it would require updates to both our user settings and Reporting tools along with several other outstanding factors, and at this point in time there are also no near future plans to update the user settings.


However, should this change or we be able to include this idea in a future roadmap, we will update this idea back to Under Review.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @KylieF@SeanAdams,


the release and enhancement of DCM solves this idea. With the release of 22.1, DCM can be used with workflow events too, therefore I'd consider this idea to be 'implemented'. Would you agree?



