Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Dynamic Input Tool - Text Input (or Text Editor)


Dynamic Input tool depends on a template file to co-relate the input data before processing it. Mismatch in the schema throws an error, causing a delay in troubleshooting.  



It would be great if the users got an enhancement in this Tool, wherein they could Input Text or Edit Text without any template file. (Similar to a Text Editor in Macro Input Tool)


11 - Bolide

existing feature:




expected something like this:


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and following up with visuals! I've updated the labels on this idea to insure the correct product teams have visibility into this idea. Be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines if you haven't yet, as they contain some useful information regarding the process behind the idea boards.

9 - Comet

This idea would be very useful for me as well. This would prevent me from dealing with a second file besides the workflow. Especially when dealing with Analytic Apps it would be useful to get rid of the template file.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes