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Download Tool Output with good return and bad return



My idea is that the current Download tool does not handle errors and continues its path even if it does not find for example a file in the transmitted URL or if it does not find the hostname it crashes.


In the case of a user with several URLs in a row, this is penalizing.

In the case of downloading files with recording, it still writes a file (thus overwriting the existing file) but which is not openable and is not in the correct format. (BLOCKED file!) Which then causes problems in workflows reading these files.


The idea would be to put a second output to this tool for all the URLs where there was a problem (non-existent hostname, file not found, HTTP KO) and one where it received the expected elements so as not to prejudice the processing. and allow better management of error cases.




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea and feedback!


We appreciate all the feedback we get, and it's great to hear feedback on slightly more advanced tools regarding how we can further improve them. I noticed you're relatively new to the idea boards (welcome!) so be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines if you haven't yet as they go over what to expect after an idea has been submitted in a bit greater detail.

9 - Comet

Hello @KylieF 


Thanks a lot for your return and your welcome.


I have read the your submission guidelines, I think a have describe my idea with a good use case but if you need more informations, do not hesitate, if I can help.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes