Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Documentation Tool Group: Off-Screen Connector Tool

I would like to see a "tool" that you can use as an off-screen connection (pair) between data anchors.  Currently, you can create "wireless" connections between anchors.  This essentially helps, but isn't friendly if you add/modify contents between points A & B.  It also doesn't aid in documentation of the workflow.


If by comparison, I put a connection tool on at point A it would be great to see it annotate itself with the incoming Tool ID and when I connect it to the paired point B, it would similarly explain the incoming tool id onto that point too.


I currently use a SELECT tool to explain visually that this data is being used elsewhere.  I create a wireless connection to the receiving data (could be multiple) and document the source.  The performance of the workflow may be slowed by these select tools.


I'm very open to other ideas or reformats of this proposal.  I don't think that it is going to change the world, but it would help me with my OCD.




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Your idea and feedback is appreciated!


Our product team is constantly striving to make our products better, and the user feedback we received is critical in that mission. We recommend checking out our Submission Guidelines as they go into greater depth on the criteria needed for an idea to reach product as well as go over the boards in general. Make sure to also check out other user’s ideas!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes