Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Display Tab character correctly inside Comment tool on canvas

Using the Comment tool: When I paste in text that includes a Tab, the Comment Configuration on the left correctly recognizes the Tab character and displays the text correctly.  Inside the Comment box on the canvas, the Tab character is not recognized and text is displayed without any spacing.


I don't think the Comment tool allows us to "type" a Tab character.


Comment configuration box:

Field1     Field2


Comment box on the canvas:




1) Please fix the text display inside the Comment on the canvas to correctly display Tab characters, when text is pasted in

2) Please allow us to "type" a Tab character in the Comment tool.  CTRL+Tab switches the canvas display to another Alteryx tab, ALT+TAB switches to another running Windows program.  Count you use Shift+Tab to allow us to type a Tab character?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


It's not often we get a idea pertaining to the Comment Tool, so it's good to see one. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines and like or comment on any user ideas that would be beneficial to you!

16 - Nebula

Thanks for your reply @KylieF 


Should "defects" only be reported to Alteryx support, avoiding creation of a new Idea?


(where "defect" means "not intended functionality")


If you allow defects to be reported through the Idea process, here's an Idea to improve your Submission Guidelines:


If someone can clearly demonstrate that an Idea represents a defect, then, for that Idea:

  • Likes should not be "key"
  • the Idea should not require 10 likes to be considered by your development team
  • the Idea should not require 10 likes to avoid being changed to an Inactive status



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Good question @ChrisTX


Typically yes, our escalation processes for defects varies from our process for handling feature requests, and defects cannot be escalated properly from our idea boards and are best directed to our Support team.


However, should we locate a defect on the idea board it will actually moved over to our Discussion boards so it can be addressed properly. 


There are some requests though that ride the line of defect and feature request, and for those instances I work with several other internal teams to determine if it needs to be moved.


Thank you for the suggestion though, we're always looking on how to best improve our process and it's important to us that we look after both defects and feature requests appropriately.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes