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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Disable all unrelated

If you've ever had a massive workflow with many ins, outs, and tons of tools in-between, then you may have wanted to run just portions of the workflow for testing/development/troubleshooting. I know I have. I have a workflow that normally takes many hours to run in Designer due to the massive data volume. I was only interested in tracing a bug in one specific output and found myself deleting tools here and then, piecemeal, until I could be certain that only unrelated branches and tools were gone. I then ran the workflow and found the issue in less time. What I would have liked to have done is to right-click on the output tool and select from the context menu an option to "Disable unrelated" or even "Delete unrelated". I want to delete any tool that does not directly feed data into that output through any and all branches including Joins, Unions, etc. The same options should apply to right-clicking on any tool. Thank you.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @seven, thank you for your feedback and idea! It would be greatly beneficial for our teams to understand how many users would appreciate this sort of update, so be sure to share this with any other users you'd believe would benefit! 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes