Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Default Date for Interface Tool

It would be nice to be able to set a default date for the Date Interface tool.

Props to @KaneG for the workaround ( But I'd like to see something built in to the tool rather than use a workaround every time as the standard.  Plus, I enjoy the uniform look of having two date inputs.

Just as a side note while we're on the topic of the Date Interface tool; it is really misleading the way "Today" stays outlined even after you click on a different date.  I always second guess if it took my click or not.


8 - Asteroid

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for posting your idea. I currently have the same delema, it would be nice to able set a default value in the Date.

I would also perhaps look into finding a way to feed the calendar tool the date range of your incomming data stream taking the min/max values.

10 - Fireball

I agree with you Patrick, having the ability to default the date just like we can for other interface tool would be great, or to even imbedd a formula so it auto adjust to the last month as a default, but keep the uniform look so people can easily adjust it.

5 - Atom

I agree that this would be nice. Seems like it should be a simple addition, any news on if this is available or when it will be?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

This is needed. Can we get a boost on this idea? @KylieF  😁

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hey @Kenda !


This is a fun idea for sure, but I actually don't handle the product ideas any more as I switched roles a few months back. @CristonS currently looks after the boards and might be better able to provide feedback on the status of this idea.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

It's been 7 years... any update @AlteryxCommunityTeam ?