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DateTimeTrim Function - Add Week Trimming

We frequently report on our data by week. However, the DateTimeTrim function (in the Formula Tool and others) does not support this trim type.


Some workarounds have been posted that involve calculating the day of the week and then subtracting it out:


It would be very helpful to update DateTimeTrim as follows:


  • Add a <trim type> of 'week' 
  • Add an optional parameter for <start of week>
    • Default value: 0 (Week beginning Sunday)
    • Other values: 1 (Week beginning Monday), 2 (Week beginning Tuesday), etc.




ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I have a 'WeekStart' function in my function library:


At moment rounds to Sunday but easy to expand to include a weekday parameter. Happy to send you if would work for you.

7 - Meteor

Great idea!

6 - Meteoroid

Just had a chance to check out your function library, jdunkerley79. It's extremely helpful, and it includes other functions (like IFNULL) that are not native to Alteryx. 


Thanks for sharing it!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Thanks for submitting this idea! I am currently looking into additional functions we should add to the expression editor. If you have any ideas for other functions please let me know the function and the category (existing or new). 


Thanks again for submitting an idea to the Ideas forum.