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Data Validator Workflow

Please add a data validator workflow.


Suggested features will be the following:

1.  Add validation name and set the field/s of your data you want to validate. (it can have more than one validation name on one workflow)

2. On the selected validation(name). Add features that will check/validate the information below:

   A. Verify data type
   B. Contains Null
   C. Max and Min string length
   D. Allowed values only, else it will give you an error
   E. Regex expected to match and not allowed to match.

3. It can have two(2) outputs. One is True(which is match) and False(which is fail over/error).

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

It would be great if you could specify some data rules as part of the input process. Everything that you mention can be built using things like the testing tools, but it requires building, which is an issue as not everyone will build validation tests when they just want to get to the answer quickly.

I really like how Trifacta does it where you can specify validation rules on a separate pane, things like [ship date] >= [order date] and then not processing downstream if this fails.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
12 - Quasar

and , if possible it able to show the error message. (more user friend version)


when upload to server, user come back with some error message.

but these error message is very simple and common, just the field name and the data type is vary.


if we have this tool, it will easy for server user to self-service to correct the data themselves.