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Data Connection Manager should sync every time alteryx opens

I'm testing out the new Data Connection Manager (DCM) and think it needs 1 enhancement based on the way we'd use DCM. Whenever Alteryx opens, it should sync the Data Sources/Credentials from the Server. This is critically important when sharing these with more than 1 user when a password needs updated.


For example, DesignerA updates the password in the source system, and then updates the password in their Designer DCM settings. In order for this new password to get synced to DesignerB, 2 things have to manually happen: DesignerA would need to sync the new password to the server, and then DesignerB would need to sync the new password from the server. I can live with the first part where DesignerA needs to sync to the server. It's just part of the password update process. The second step though seems perilous. DesignerB should get the new password without having to do anything; as things currently stand, DesignerB will have the old password until they manually intervene and sync the password. Imagine a scenario where it's just DesignerB, but hundreds of people who would all have to sync their credentials. 


I also think this idea makes sense in light of the way Data Connections currently work (pre 21.4) where a similar sync happens automatically every time alteryx opens.  


Great suggestion, Patrick. We're currently tracking this idea in our backlog and hopefully will be able to provide soon enough.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Totally agree that this is needed for centralised management of connections.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

One more!! 

5 - Atom

One more!!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Updates on this one? Manual sync is really painful.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

fully agree @patrick_digan  - and in addition it would be important to allow for DCM to communicate with the designer whenever the server copy of the credentials change so that the credential owner can log onto the DCM server and change credentials when needed (in line with corporate policy) and this will push down.


cc:  @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

8 - Asteroid

YES PLEASE why was this an afterthought?