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DCM should support connection strings

At the moment, at least for Postgres and ODBC connections, the DCM only supports a names DSN that must be installed on each machine running Designer or Server. However, the ODBC admin function is admin only within my company, which makes DCM more trouble than it is worth to use.


Connection strings work well in the workflows, have been implemented on the gallery before, and do not require access to the ODBC admin to implement. Could DCM please be improved to support native connection strings?

7 - Meteor

To expand on this the UI should support capture or data fields to build the string, e.g. with Snowflake

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
Status changed to: Implemented

DSN-Less connections now available for DCM connections! 

7 - Meteor

This is excellent, will it be available in the next release?