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Connector - Microsoft Dyanamics 365 F&O

There is no way to natively connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O. We also cannot use the download tool to connect to the API as it requires an OAuth2 Bearer Token generation step. Documentation can be found here:


I would request a tool similar to the Salesforce Input tool to be created.

Suggested process:

  • Configuration Window to log into a Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O account
  • Configuration Window to select the following
    • 1 or more companies ("all" should also be an option)
    • The specific "table" or "api call" you want to query - for example the "Sales Invoice" Data
    • Date Range filter (both from + to date combination as well as some generic "this month", "previous month", "this quarter" kind of selections)

I would also request that this tool be developed so that it can run on Server and Analytics Hub so that we can run end to end automation.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


Another good connector idea! Since there's a lot of interest in different connectors, likes and comments would help us prioritize and understand impact it would have on the greater community. Be sure to review our Submission Guidelines and like and comment on any idea that would assist you.

Status changed to: Comments Requested

Hi @Cobus ,

we have released a new connector for MS Dataverse, which should cover Dynamics 365 as well. Could you give it a try and tell me if this connector meets your requirements. 

Thank you