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Connection to SQL Server Analysis Services

Desperately looking for a way to connect to SQL Server Analysis Services through Alteryx as more and more of our large datasets from our older systems are moving to here in the next few months. We can connect using PowerBi with limitations (connecting 'Live' does not allow merge and connecting with Import, you need to use MDX or DAX syntax). We run into import and export limitations, too. We are not allowed access to the underlying tables, but the tables with the measures, dimensions and fields. PowerBi is a big step up from pivot tables, but Alteryx would be so much better. Ideas for connecting this up are are welcome!


7 - Meteor

Also, I want to connect to SQL Server Analysis through Alteryx. Is there any update?

7 - Meteor

Also inquiring about the SSAS connection.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

A lot of Alteryx customers us SQL Server as the data repository for data from legacy systems.  Basically they copy the data from legacy into SQL Server with little or no changes to the data.  Then they use SSAS to gather they data for reporting.  Most of the time our Alteryx Designer users do not have access to the SQL Server source tables and only can access the SSAS Tabular tables, which is not the same as RDMS tables

5 - Atom



In this case, in roder to connect ourself to the SSAS Tabular tables what kind of connectors do we need to use in Alteryx ?




Hi all,


This topic is a bit old but have you looked at the SSAS Connector from Casabase Software on the Public Gallery:!app/SSAS-Connector/5da5b2e8826fd3112c85d012


Hope this help to solve your challenges!

7 - Meteor

Is there a solution for SSAS connections in Alteryx that does not require another third party add on?  As noted above, we have access to the SSAS data models but not the underlying sql.  This would be a fantastic add.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
5 - Atom

Also would like to see a SSAS data connector available in designer. 

7 - Meteor

This would be a huge deal for us. We currently have a number of SSIS packages that we can't migrate to Alteryx because they process cubes.

5 - Atom

Please consider a native connector for Analysis Services. We have plenty of cubes in Azure that we need to combine with other sources with Alteryx.