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Concatenate Multiple Fields Tool

I find that to do a simple concatenation of multiple fields, it takes multiple tools where it seems one would suffice. For example, if I had an address parsed into multiple fields (House Number, Street, Apt, City, State, Zip Code, Country), to combine these into a single address field, I'd have two options: Formula that manually adds each field with +' '+ in between each field, which is a lot of typing and selecting...Or Transpose data and then Summarize (concatenating) the values field with a space delimiter between each record.
Seems to me that a simpler solution would be a concatenate tool that might look and feel much like the Select tool, allowing you to choose a name for your concatenated string, input a delimiter, select the fields to concatenate, and re-order them within the tool. Bonus if it automatically converted everything to string fields (or at least allows you to designate whether you want to concatenate all your fields as numbers or strings, and then translates accordingly). Extra bonus if you also had the option to put a different delimiter after every field...
Not a super complex thing to do this task with the given tools, but it does seem like a fairly straightforward add that would likely save a whole bunch of folks at least a few minutes here and there.

12 - Quasar

How about a Macro? I can attache it if you create a Question thread instead of an Idea thread (we cannot attach files in comments on Idea threads).



8 - Asteroid

Incredible timing--I was searching for such a tool just last night, and the Community is on it.

12 - Quasar
6 - Meteoroid

It is possible select all fields always?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes