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Commit dropdown selection from keyboard without hitting 'Enter'

Running into an issue when typing from keyboard to make a selection in some dropdown lists found in tool configurations. I've replicated it in the Join, Join Multiple, and Filter tools. (Sort tool worked as expected.)  Running version 10.6.


  • Join tool configuration.
  • From "Left" dropdown start typing to select a column.
  • Click off the "Left" dropdown (into "Right" for example).
  • Notice that your selection in "Left" is maintained.
  • Now click on another tool or in the cavas.
  • Click back to the Join tool. Notice that the "Left" selection has reverted to the original field and your typed selection is lost.
  • Note: you can "commit" your selection by hitting "Enter" after typing, but I don't think this extra step should be required (as evidenced by the Sort tool).

This small mis-step can have SIGNIFICANT impact if a developer assumes their join field selection was set correctly, but in fact it changed without them noticing and is resulting in incorrect joins.


See attached video for quick walkthrough.

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Alteryx Community Team
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