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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Chart Legend truncation fix

I'd like to see some added configuration in the Chart tool to allow more space for the chart legend so that the names of elements don't have to be truncated.  The only way to eliminate truncation right now is to decrease the font size and/or increase the width of the table which also in effect reduces the font size.  This is specifically an issue in "Stacked Column" or similar charts.
1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for your idea! This idea is interesting to us. However, with the release of the New Interactive Chart tool which allows users to specify margins for the chart legend, axes titles and other components, we do not have any plans to update the old Chart tool at this time.


Should this change however we will update this idea back to the status of Under Review.