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Change default save folder for macros to current folder

My team uses a shared macro repository (say F:\AlteryxMacros), and we recently ran into an issue with the default save location for macros. While we save most macros to our repository, there are times when folks save their macros elsewhere (let's say C:\MyAwesomeWorkflow). The issue we've encountered is that if you go to file >> save as with a macro, it will ALWAYS default to the macro repository, even when my macro is currently saved elsewhere (C:\MyAwesomeWorkflow). Speaking for a friend, people have accidentally saved things to the macro repository by accident. Or, they waste time navigating from the macro repository to the their current folder.


If a macro is saved somewhere, please change the file >> save as to default to the current folder. Thanks! 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

YES. I always have to remember to search for the other directory when saving macros in my own location.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes