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Best Route functionality with drive time

I would like to specify two points on a map and have Alteryx create a spatial object that represents the best route from one point to another given some parameters such as quickest route, or shortest route.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
I've had two clients request this in the past few weeks. 
5 - Atom
I've had multiple requests as well. It would be awesome if Alteryx could handle this!
6 - Meteoroid
5 - Atom
GraphHopper is a free API that can be run as a macro (using Openstreet map) that would probably returns a spatial object.
13 - Pulsar

Hi There,


R has a package for calculating exactly this,

you may find the relevan documentation explaning the theory behind it below,


also there is an example on how to calculate a quickest path givien the topography, here is the catch, the grid below is calculated based on mountain slope data but if you happen to prepare a similar map based on;

  • spots highly scored with lake side or ocean side view... you'll get the most pleasant route
  • grids scored based on traffic congession given time of day... you'll get the shortest drivetime based on traffic at that time

Screenshot 2015-09-21 05.37.58.png

7 - Meteor

GraphHopper is only free for a small use case, but even so, it is not all that expensive either.

8 - Asteroid

This would be a highly-used addition by our retail operations and executive team.  Unfortunately, this is one request I receive often (monthly, at least), and its the rare case where I have to say 'no, Alteryx can't do that'.

8 - Asteroid

Optimizing routes would be a great feature/tool!  I'd like something it to take into account routing rules that might be in affect for truckers.If there was a way for the user to enter the rules or link it to a site where rules might be provided form states.  Also, if there was a way to link to the fleet systems would be helpful.


I've had multiple customers request this feature. Since Guzzler evaluates routes already, it seems like most of the foundation would already be present. Use cases include

optimizing delivery routing and transit planning (pairing Allocate values in a route buffer for N alternative routes). I'm available to discuss the use cases PS has seen.

13 - Pulsar

any updates on this?! "route optimizer for Alteryx"