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Automatically update the 'Publish to Tableau Server' credentials in differing workflows

Hi, I'm new to Alteryx; we've had for just about a month. We started publishing our workflows to Tableau and it's working great.

One issue I foresee:

User credentials to the Tableau server are updated occasionally. When this occurs, I will have to update the credentials manually in each workflow. 

The number of workflows we are publishing is growing. Is there a way to automate this process? 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for the feedback Kristi.


Yes, we're aware of the challenge this represents and actually looking into solutions to adress this for all connectors across the board. We'll update with the timeline when it's formally planned.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Depending on your configuration, if you are running these workflows locally @Kristi you can embed the credentials in a set of interface tools with the Publish to Tableau Server Macro. This will allow you to update the credentials once and will carry through to every workflow that is not saved as a packaged workflow. Let me know if you would like me to share how this works and I can post some screenshots. 

5 - Atom

I'm experiencing a similar challenge with this scenario, but not necessarily with Tableau Server. We have multiple scheduled workflows on Alteryx Server that push out various outpus, weekly emails, daily data extracts, etc. Because we must change our datasource credentials quarterly, we find ourselves having to update each workflow individually. Would be great if we could just check box the affected workflows to be updated all at once.

5 - Atom
@andrewdatakim i would love to here how you can embed the credentials in the publish to tableau server. I have a lot of flows running where I have to change credentials every 3 month.
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @Helle,


Great question. I am going to try and post some screenshots this weekend. My concern is the shift to HTML 5 for the Publish to Tableau Server macro. I need to check if it is still possible to do with interface tools and saved credentials in a keychain or password repository. Regardless I will post my findings here.




7 - Meteor

Hi all,


This is the post i have been looking for the past couple days. @andrewdatakim your post back in 06-16-2017 is something i am very interested in viewing and looking at the configuration with screenshots. 


Currently our organisation has started using Publish to Tableau Server via Alteryx and we would like to go down the road to scheduling these via the gallery, one thing stopping this is the log in credentials. 


We run the workflows at the moment via desktop, once on the gallery anyone from the team can run the flow but the Publish to Tableau Server still hold the previous employee log in credentials and Tableau will record it as them uploading the data, which is not true. 


Is there a way whoever runs the gallery workflow, their details will update the Publish to Tableau Server tool/macro with their credentials??


Hope that make sense.




9 - Comet

I am not able to understand from these posting what exactly is the solution to automatically update password in workflows that publish to tableau server directly ? thanks