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Auto Save on Run is coming - that's a bad idea

I hope that there will be a radio button or a check box where Auto Save on Run can be disabled.  Auto Save on Run is a bad idea.  I often go into workflows and only need one report - so I break a bunch of connections to other reports, maybe I make some other small adhoc or one-off type changes and then Run the workflow.  I get my one, maybe modified, report and close without saving.  So the next time I open the workflow it's as it should be. 


With Auto Save on Run - I'd have to undo everything I changed.  What if it's not my workflow to be changing?  If there is no option to turn it off:  I'd have to make a copy of the workflow, open and make changes, then run, then close, then delete the workflow.


In general, you should never be saving unless it is a deliberate act performed by the user.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @Brad1,


Thanks so much for this feedback.  You have made us aware that the vocabulary we're using is not quite accurate and "auto-save" actually means something different in Word. Not to worry, what we're currently calling auto-save will never overwrite your deliberately saved files. While we are auto-saving on a run, this is only so that if your computer crashes and Alteryx is unexpectedly closed without work being saved, we will be able to recover the last auto-saved version of your file/workflow. We'll present this auto-saved version of your workflow as an option to open when you re-open Alteryx. It's the same concept as auto-recovered files in word or powerpoint. You don't have to accept or open the auto-saved workflow and it will never overwrite your deliberately saved workflow.


That being said, auto-recover is probably a more intuitive term to describe the above concept, so we're looking at changing our vocabulary to make it more clear. Thanks so much for pointing this out to us!




11 - Bolide

Oh, that's great!

Brad Shannon
Financial Analyst - Geo Analytics
Express Scripts

Status changed to: Comments Requested

It doesn't actually save your workflow, it saves a copy of your workflow as a .bak file. If you choose to open it it will open as a normal yxmd/etc., but it doesn't ever save over the original file it is backing up.

11 - Bolide
Works for me.

Relieved to find out it doesn't save over a workflow, that it is really a recovery if Alteryx crashes or the power goes out.

I often go in, make changes, run and exit w/o saving.
Status changed to: Not Planned