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Alteryx workflow auto canvas adjustment with container

When we have too many steps in a workflow, it is mandatory to use container to represent better business flow. It can collapse many steps to represent one business flow.

But, when we open collapsed tool container, workflow canvas not resizing to give space for tool container, it overlap on existing tools.


It is better to resize workflow canvas when we collapse or resize tool containers. 


Yes, we should have such feature. It will reduce a lot of time while developing complex workflow. It add value to workflow.

7 - Meteor

This seems too complicated to implement.

Layouts will move around so much that any kind of custom layout/positioning of tools is in danger of being auto-moved multiple times. Things will likely become more of a mess especially for very complex workflows.

9 - Comet

I was just about to post this idea as I've had it in mind for some time. I think, if there could be a user setting that determines when this feature is activated, that would be the ideal so it can be toggled on or off.


Below are three images. 1) all collapsed, 2) a container expanded overlapping other containers and items and 3) an example of an ideal situation of the workflow items or containers moving dynamically when expanded.

Overlapping containers 1.PNGOverlapping containers 2.PNGOverlapping containers 3 desired.PNG

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes