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Alteryx version dedicated to Mac OS X?


An Alteryx version for Mac OS X sounded like a nice idea... Although there are options for using bootcamp with windows 7-8

or some virtualisation software as mentioned in a community post here.


Rationale 1 (Competitors do it):

First of all there is no need to neglect a customer segment using Mac's.


  • Rapidminer Studio comes with a dedicated OS X version,
  • Knime has Mac OS X support 
  • Weka has Mac OS X support as well
  • SPSS Modeler is Windows only but SPSS Stats is Mac OS X compatible.


Seems SAS was compatable in the last decade, but they dropped it. Now SAS is not OS X compatible but

still with the "SAS OnDemand" version Mac users can easly get a hands on experience.


Rationale 2:

The Mac Pro Beast has 7.2 TFlops of computing power with the help of dual ATI graphics cards.

It would be awesome to install Alteryx on one... 


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @Jesse89 !

Thank you for your feedback! We understand that this idea is a long time coming, however the Alteryx development team is actively listening to all feedback they get and are doing their best to ensure customer satisfaction and the inclusion of features that would benefit our customers most. This idea in particular is a big project for our developers, and is actually being addressed by our web-based Designer that was demonstrated at Inspire 2019. We're excited for this version of Designer to launch, however we appreciate your patience while we complete development on this new version of Designer.

5 - Atom



I'm currently assessing Alteryx, but am finding out that my company's Information Security organization may not be allowing virtual machines on Macs, so that would mean we can't purchase Alteryx.


So I would imagine this is affecting Alteryx's opportunity with teams using Macs and I will very much be looking forward to an a Mac version!

5 - Atom

+1, I recently got approved to switch to a Macbook and this is the one program I can't use natively on there.

6 - Meteoroid

would like to have a version of Mac version  Alteryx 

would alteryx inc have the plan ? 

6 - Meteoroid

hope this year can have the Mac altered version

8 - Asteroid

Five years and still counting! 


Now pushing those one person analytics team to get hands dirty on a bunch of tools! 

7 - Meteor

@KylieF  I appreciate where your comment is coming from, but asking people for patience on this is a bit much. Back on 12/07/2017 Matt from your team confirmed that a native Mac OS Version was in the works (note the emphasis on native). Your comment seems to indicate that this is no longer the case and now the plan is to roll out a web based version and even that is no where to be seen.


It would be much better for your company to just come out and admit that they are no longer working on a native Mac version and that everyone who can should just wait for news on a web version.


On my own personal side I loved Alteryx, I really pushed it within our Organisation, but we ended up going Mac because Mac OS fit more easily with our Linux Servers, something special about being able to jump into the terminal and enter in native Unix code. As there was no option Alteryx for Mac we switched to R which runs natively. I can say that we would not consider a Web Based version of Alteryx in our organisation, I expect that many corporate entities will feel the same. 

9 - Comet

Well, my org is now pushing Tableau Prep Builder and with some extra developments (such as reading data from Web APIs directly from Prep) I have no justification to be a solo Alteryx Designer user.


So it seems a matter of time for me to start switching to Prep and spare us from the renewal for Alteryx. Would the Mac version help me have a stronger case, YES!

6 - Meteoroid

Alteryx can write a great tool for analytics but cant manage to get it on mac os? Nahh, they can they just wont. Time to move on.

5 - Atom
