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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Alteryx version 11.7 on CloudShare?

Alteryx has a 3 hour demo session on CloudShare which is very useful for quick demos...


How about having most up to date version of Alteryx as a demo as a starter?


  • Unfortunately it's 11.5 right now... Not 11.7!!!
  • I'm demoing the older, slower version to the clients.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @Atabarezz - we recently rolled out an updated hosted experience on AWS Appstream. It is using the most recent version of Alteryx Designer. Check it out: 

13 - Pulsar

I couldn't find the Marketing Analytics and several other starter-kits

I guess it may be wise to install them on the instance...

13 - Pulsar

Is it possible to offer


  1. Power Bi
  2. Tableau and
  3. Qlik trials

on that "Try now" instance in order to show off BI integration capabilities of Alteryx?

I thought it would be extremely wise and this will enable partners to demo the tool even more quickly without and setup or so...



Status changed to: Inactive

The status of this idea has been changed to 'Inactive'. This status indicates that:


1. The idea has not had activity in the form of likes or comments in over a year.

2. The idea has not reached ten likes.

3. The idea is still in the 'New Idea' status. 


However, this doesn't mean your idea won't be implemented! The Community can still like and comment on this idea. With enough renewed interest, this idea can be brought back into the 'New Idea' status. 


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