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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Alteryx native connectors

Alteryx needs to package SAP, JD Edwards and ADNIS and BPCS connectors as part of it's native offering. This will increase the value proposition of Alteryx designer from just data blending to full self service ETL. Most of the large organizations have data extraction challenges and will experience business user empowerment and big productivity gains if native connectors and data extraction across major ERPs is enabled. Some of these productivity gains can in turn be used to make a business case for Alteryx designer licenses.

8 - Asteroid

Hi Sai -- I agree with you.  I appreciate the post.  I am here looking to see if there is a JD Edwards connection.  It would help with our use case for more Designer and possibly server license of Alteryx. 


Anyone with any experience or knowledge with Oracle's JD Edwards and a use case with Alteryx, please send me a message.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned



Thanks for the feedback. We don't currently have plans to include all of these connectors, but might consider them separately. Please feel free to re-post an idea per connector so we can accurately gauge demand of each connector.




5 - Atom

I am looking to see if there is a JD Edwards connection.  It would help with our use case for more Designer and possibly server license of Alteryx. 


Anyone with any experience or knowledge with Oracle's JD Edwards and a use case with Alteryx, please send me a message.