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Alteryx 11 formula tool default data type

The default data type for new columns used to be Double, and now it is V_WString.  Is this user-configurable?  I find that, at least in my work, needing a formula to output a Double is way more common than a V_WString.  I'm curious of other community members' thoughts here.  If there isn't a consensus, it would be great to have this be a user-configurable default.

5 - Atom

Hi Rachel, as an alternative, why not use the same colouring for data-type in the formula tool as you do when changing things in the Select tool? ie, the default has a white background, but user-defined is pink.  This would train your mind to look out for default/non default types when working with the formula tool.

5 - Atom

Why not let the user choose the default for a workflow. Based on the workflow being designed, this option would allow the developer to choose double, V_String, V_WString, etc.