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Admin install option to disable 'Save to Alteryx Gallery'

When Alteryx Designers are installed, I'd like to be able to disable the option for Designers within my organisation to 'Save to Alteryx Gallery' (The public Alteryx Gallery) - It causes confusion amongst users who are trying to interact with our internal Alteryx Server environments.





13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

I like the Idea @CiaranA as this does often confuse confusion with new users, but disabling this completely would stop sharing with the wider community with things like macros...


Maybe a change of terminology (Public Gallery?) or a change of location might make it more obvious.


Good to get other people's thoughts too.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Maybe having some kind of layers in there Private Galleries/Servers and Public Galleries/Servers might work better.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@CiaranA We had the same issue and circumvented the problem with a powershell script to change the registry. After Alteryx is installed, we run a .ps1 file with code like this:

Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Password" -Value ""
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Email" -Value ""
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Name" -Value "our Private Gallery name"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Url" -Value "!"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_WindowsAuth" -Value "True"
10 - Fireball

@Joe_Lipski - Thanks good ideas, although it seems @patrick_digan 's solution could work


Just so I'm clear how this works in practice - Is this an administrator running this script on an individual users machine, after installation has been completed?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@CiaranA That's correct. We have enterprise level software that pushes installations to user's machines, and after the installation .exe is executed, the .ps1 is executed.

10 - Fireball

@patrick_digan Just finishing setting this up with our application packaging Team but have three simple questions for you to make sure I get this right. 


1. For Gallery password and Gallery Email (the first two lines) are these the default admin account who has configured the settings in Server System settings. Ours is a service account. 


2. Is it worth making the default gallery DEV (we have 3 environments) so by default users will start by promoting workflows there and then migrate workflows from there?


3. By default is this path - "HKCU:\Software\SRC" - the program files or program Data Alteryx folder?


Set-ItemProperty -Path "%\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Password" -Value ""
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Email" -Value ""
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Name" -Value "our Private Gallery name"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_Url" -Value "!"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials" -Name "Gallery0_WindowsAuth" -Value "True"
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@CiaranA@dataMack pointed out in this thread that opening alteryx automatically sets the public gallery as gallery0. For our users, we now setup our private gallery as gallery1 in the registry. I'm still searching for a way to allow for saving to our private gallery while disabling the public gallery from appearing for my end users.


1) This depends on how your gallery is setup. Ours is setup to use SSO authentication and thus we can leave the password and email blank. It automatically picks up the person's sso. I don't know about any other methods.

2) I'm not sure to how to control any "defaults" with the galleries.

3) HKCU is a spot in the registry. Here is a picture from the program Regedit.exe:Capture.PNG


10 - Fireball

Thanks @patrick_digan that makes sense, we are trying to implement this and the Designer Usage Statistics Phone Home capability. 

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks all for your comments above.  I understand that Alteryx 2020 makes some changes to the way that disabling publishing to public Altteryx Gallery can work.


I wondered if anyone has any insight on how this can be achieved in the most recent version of Alteryx?


Do you have any insight @patrick_digan?



Thanks in advance for your help,



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