Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Add report data outputs to Principal Component Analysis tool

When I use the PCA tool, I run it with 2 PCs, then look at the results output to choose my principal components, and re-run it with the actual number of PCs that I need. I use the loadings and variance data quite a lot - it would be great to be able to output the loadings, variance, and also the scaled variables as data to work with in Alteryx, rather than just browse it in the report.




I have modified the PCA tool to do this myself, but I find I need to do this with each upgrade just in case anything has changed in the tool. I'd love it if the report summary data and scaled data was available as an output!


For reference, my amended version is available here:!app/Principal-Components-Analysis-Extra/5eb2f79d0462d70bc0b6c516

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Alteryx Community Team

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes