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Add ability to narrow results search to specific column(s)

Apologies if this has been suggested already - did a search and didn't see anything similar.


This is a quality of life/UX idea. The search functionality in the results pane essentially does a 'contains' search on all of the columns (see below screenshots for the filter inserted by the 'apply data manipulations button). As I build workflows and profile the data, it'd be helpful if I could click one or more columns and limit the search bar to just those fields.


Right now, depending on the dataset I could get rows returned by the search due to the search term appearing in columns that aren't relevant. To workaround this I could add select tools to limit the columns or do more robust filters in a filter tool, but having it built in would be very helpful.







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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes