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Add GeoPackage geospatial data format to the Input tool

As per a recent discussion (, please add the GeoPackage datatype to the Input tool.


For reference, the open-source project ogr2ogr has this functionality. (



12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar


While not a file format, I think that a robust ESRI REST connector is a significant need for the Spatial toolkit.

I have written a very simple endpoint downloader for my purposes. But it was written out of need, not out of scope, meaning that I only coded the bits that I needed and not a full replication of the parameters. There are also many different ways that the ArcGIS server can be organized/authenticated and sometimes I have to stop in the middle of my work and debug for an edge case

Furthermore, considering the huge ArcGIS Online community, I also think there is a need for an ESRI REST publisher/writer connector macro. This is certainly in line with the Alteryx "we crunch and then give to others for display" model that has been successful with Tableau,

Thanks for engaging us on this question!

5 - Atom

Ordnance Survey are making more and more spatial data available in geopackage format only, especially output from the National Geographic Database (NGD). Being able to handle the geopackage native format both as input and output would make life much easier and tasks less time consuming as it removes the need to convert to another format first before being able use and manipulate the data in Alteryx.