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Add Functionality to Lock Comment Box

Add ability to lock comment boxes size, shape, position (send to back), location on the canvas. This would allow a developer to use a template when creating workflow without accidently selecting and/or adjusting these attributes. It will also allow a user to put a tool over the top of the comment box without fear of messing up the visual display of the workflow or it getting hidden underneath the comment box.


6 - Meteoroid

I'd pile on to this one and ask for containers to stay open/closed as well. If you have a job with a bunch of those and you have them closed to save some canvas space, it can be challenging when they open back up when you re-open a workflow.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

I would like this comment box functionality also so I can create a non-shiftable background template (i would also request that the background be unlockable so that the look can be tweaked as needed)