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Access to Stored Procedures in Snowflake Database

Need ability to call Stored Procedures in Snowflake Database. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
5 - Atom

Access to execute Snowflake stored procedures opens the door to Alteryx participating in Snowpark workflows. This would be a big win for us to bring these two technologies together.

11 - Bolide

I think you can do via Run CMD Tool.


Use the "Run Command" tool in Alteryx to execute the stored procedure in Snowflake. The Run Command tool allows you to run a SQL command on the connected database, which in this case is Snowflake.

8 - Asteroid

This is doable through python however how would this work in terms of Creds and security. If you want to have this deployed on server what would be the suggested method to connect to snowflake? 

11 - Bolide

Try using pre and Post SQL Statement in input Data tool

8 - Asteroid

No it will not work in snowflake at all. So the only way is to open up the python tool and do the following

the only database platforms that are supported are SQL SERVER and Oracle


What I need is a way to store the creds.


from snowflake.sqlalchemy import URL
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

username = 'LOGIN'
password = 'PASSWORD'

account = 'XXXXXX'
region = 'xxxxxx'
warehouse = 'meowmeow'
database = 'kittykat'
schema ='catnip'

Create an engine
engine = create_engine(URL(
    account = account
    , user = username
    , password = password
    , region = region
    , warehouse = warehouse
    , database = database
    , schema = schema

with engine.connect() as connection:
    connection.execute('call meowmeow.kittykat.STORPROCONE()')


5 - Atom

if Oracle is supported - there shouldn't be too big of a leap to include POSTGRES and variants (RedShift, Aurora) - they also use a PLSQL-like syntax