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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Ability to return to full workflow messages whilst workflow is running

Currently in 2020.2 (but I assume all versions), when you have a workflow running and click on the Tool Name/ID (1 - in the picture below) in the results window it is then not possible to click on the canvas OR get back to the messages for the full workflow as it is then locked to that tool.


The idea is that it should be possible to get back to all of the workflow messages if you click on a tool name in the results window whilst the workflow is running.


However, a neat little tip that I found is if you click on the input, output or browse hyperlink (2 in the picture below), it will open a pop-out browse rather than show the data in the results window, meaning you can still see all of the messages)




This leads me to think that it could and should be possible to see browse anywhere data whilst the workflow is running if this is fixed. Here's a separate idea for that. 


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


This is a fun two part idea, though thank you for splitting them up as it helps our Product team address them better. After quickly reviewing this idea looks good to go to product once the necessary like criteria as been met.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Thanks @KylieF - This one could even potentially be classed as a bug. Or at least an unintended feature.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

That's a good point! I'll check around to see if it is a bug and if so make sure it gets realigned into our bug process, but either way thank you for suggesting it/bringing it to our attention!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes