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AMP Engine and APIs and Proxies

Currently,  using AMP Engine will cause any workflow that depends on Proxies to fail. This includes any API workflow or any workflow with Download tool, etc.


They will all fail with DNS Lookup failures.


Many newer features in Alteryx Designer are now dependent on using AMP Engine, making those features (such as Control Containers) totally useless when running inside a corporate network that uses proxies to the outside world.


Please re-examine the difference between how a regular non-AMP workflow processes such traffic vs how AMP does it, because AMP is broken!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Hello Alteryx User,


Could you share what version of Alteryx you are using?


Proxy Support with AMP was released with version 22.3.  If you are on version 23.1 and using control containers, you will be able to use Proxy with AMP. Please, let us know if you are facing an issue in 23.1.


Release notes: Designer 2022.3 Release Notes | Alteryx Help



8 - Asteroid

2021.4 - Company standard. It's what is running on our servers, so it's what we have to use for Designer to maintain compatibility.


I'll go send some emails to our Data Analytics team about getting things updated to a newer version.