Alteryx Connect Ideas

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Hi Alteryx team,


would it be possible to include a project filter in the Tableau loader? Currently, the loader brings in all the projects from the selected sites. However, we have come across a situation when each department in a company has a couple of projects that they do not want to load.


The idea is that it would be possible to list the names of the projects that won't be loaded. It could be done in a way that all the projects containing the listed words won't be loaded. This would give us the possibility to, for example, not load the projects containing 'Ad hoc' in their names.


We are aware that we might keep these projects 'invisible' using permissions, however, for operational purposes we believe that the project filtering capability would be much better.


Thank you very much.



Jan Laznicka

Hi Alteryx,


currently, when running loaders from the Administration Console - Connections pane, there is no information about the status of the load. Would it be possible to include information such as success/fail message, run length, completion time or next scheduled run time?



This would much simplify monitoring of the scheduled loads and managing the schedule.


Thank you very much.




Hi Alteryx,


we have noticed that when drilling up/down in the "all mode" in Nexus, it is not possible to see all subsequent relations for assets related to the object, where Nexus was opened.


For example, when opening the Nexus view on a business term:




We are unable to drill into the outgoing relationships for the highlighted Tableau dashboard, the only relation we see is its parent.


Would it be possible to show all relations when drilling up/down in the Nexus view?


Thank you very much.



According to the current product functions,

permission management after data search by Connect is not possible.


We request the following functions.

-Added "Approve / Reject" function when Request Access.

-Added a function to set a fixed email address with Cc when Request Access.


Hi Alteryx team,


Would it be possible to include the "Status" column in all applicable asset lists? Currently, when looking at Tables in SAP HANA, there is a "Status" column containing the certification states. But for example for Views, though certifiable, there is no "Status" column in the list. Applying the same column structure could simplify navigation in the system and also help with operations such as bulk certification, where a user needs to select only assets in the same certification state.




Thank you.




Hi Alteryx team,


Currently, there is the Open button functionality for opening the Tableau projects, workbooks and worksheets. While I understand you may be relying on Tableau API, would it be possible to implement the Open button for Tableau data sources is well?


The idea is that when you click Open in Connect, you will be taken into the Tableau data source or possibly into a new workbook which is connected to this Tableau data source.


Thank you,


Hi Alteryx team,


Would it be possible to implement a legend in the nexus diagram with what each asset icon means? It could be in the bottom right corner of the page as a section so that it is easy to navigate and understand for business users what objects they're looking at. This is especially useful for more complex relationships diagrams with multiple types of data assets.


Thank you


Hi Alteryx team,


Would it be possible to implement an overview table with a complete history of metadata loads? I can imagine there could be a table in the administration console (in Jobs) where you could see the history and number of runs for each source system so that it can be referred to at any time when you need to know the frequency and past runs?


Thank you


Hi Alteryx,

We have noticed that the sequence of objects in the Nexus diagram is not unified for different modes. For example, for user defined references the sequence in the „Joins“ mode is different from the lineage displayed in „All“ mode. The same stands for lineage, the arrows are often pointing in the opposite direction than in the “All” mode.

Would it be possible to unify the sequences of objects in the Nexus view?

I understand that the “All” mode just lists all relations without the actual sequence, but this is quite confusing for the users and it may be more intuitive if the arrows always pointed the same way.

Alternatively, would it make sense to have the arrows on both sides for user defined references?

Thank you.

Hi Alteryx,

Currently, when a user edits an asset, all the contributors (those who have made the changes to this asset in the past hence listed as contributors of that asset) are notified by email. As a result, these contributors have their mailboxes often flooded with notifications.

In our use case, we rather want to apply pull principle (users can subscribe if they want to be notified) instead of push principle (users are notified on every single change).

Would it be possible to implement a maybe a toggle for turning off the notifications for contributors? Thus, only owners and users who subscribed would be notified when an asset is changed.

Thank you.


Hi Alteryx,


Would it be possible to allow some basic customization of the login page? In our use case, we have the access into Connect restricted for the users and when they navigate to the login page and find out they don’t have access, we want to inform them they need to contact some internal Connect support to grant them access. So generally, it may only be like a one line with a custom text.

Thank you.


Hi Alteryx,


Is there a way to make asset icons customizable? I am conscious of an option to upload an icon through the attachment, but this only applies to a specific page/asset.

What I have in mind is to customize the icon for individual asset types. For example, reports (workbooks) and report worksheets have the same icon, which is in our case for many users confusing. It would be great if we could customize the icons for example in the Asset Configuration tab of the Administration Console.

Thank you.


Hi Alteryx,


In Connect, when navigating through different data sources, a different number of objects are shown in the default view. For example, for Hadoop we only see initial 5 tables in a schema (with an option to see around 35 more), for other data sources like SQL Server, it will show initial 50 or so with couple of hundreds more. The same applies to the glossary or reports – for each data asset type it differs.

In order to increase user experience, would it be possible to unify the number of objects displayed on a page in a default setting?

Thank you.


Hi Alteryx team,


In Connect, there is a Table Details section of each page within Data sources, however it only shows the size for Files. It is not relevant for databases. Currently, database tables/views always show the size 0.0 bytes, which indicates the table is empty but it is not true.


Since it is not relevant, it should not be visible for DB objects at all. Instead, it would make sense to implement some basic statistics of the object like number of rows, number of columns etc.


2019-11-06 22_50_55-growth_published.advantaged_assets.png


Thank you,


Hi Alteryx team,


I understand that tags applied in the Alteryx Gallery are a completely different tags from the tags within Connect.


Would it be possible to sync these two and when loading Gallery metadata into Connect (workflows), load and apply also the tags?


Thank you



Hi Alteryx team,


Currently, Alteryx Server loader is pulling quite a several different types of information (e.g. date uploaded, number of runs, last run date, published version etc.).


Would it be possible to add the information about the workflow schedule? It would contain the frequency of how often it is scheduled to run on the server (if applicable), for others, it can be "not scheduled" or something.


Thank you


Hi Alteryx team,


apart from the current known issue of format of email notifications (which in some cases shows a code instead of a proper notification), can you work further to improve the visual of the email notifications?


Currently, the notifications do not contain any indication (information) that it is coming from Alteryx Connect so very frequently, it is even captured by the spam filters or users have no idea what they are receiving.


The expectation would be to include perhaps the Alteryx Connect logo, perhaps name of the instance or some other details, possibly even customizable by the administrator (to some extent only, obviously).


Thank you


The current "File_Loader" only pushes data to the Data Sources section in connect. We have a number of reports that are stored in a file location. Our current option is to bring the report into connect under 'Data Sources' and manually move them to 'Reports'. We have to do this every time the file_load is ran. Additionally, the are currently shown as inputs to workflows when they should be outputs.


Having a file loader for Reports would be greatly beneficial to document within the Connect Platform.

We can tag all objects but when we want to find all the objects with a specific tag that is not possible.


In the advanced search it should be possible to search for all objects. with a specific tag.


The tag should be a part to the search boost.


Example. I have 10 tables that I tag "Finance". When users search for finance the tables should appear even though finance is not a part of the table name, column names or description

Hi Alteryx,


Currently, it is only possible to map first name, last name and email via SAML. Would it be possible to enable mapping of aliases? The idea is, that we cannot map first name and last name with the Full Name field because they are not unique. At the moment, we are pushing email into both Full Name and Email fields, because emails are unique for us. In addition to this, it would be convenient if the Alias(es) field could be mapped via SAML as well. In this way, not only emails but also real names would be automatically present in Connect.


Thank you.


