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Un-Boo-Lievable! The Alteryx Community is Haunted!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Well, we couldn't go forever without something weird happening this spooky season, now could we? Apparently some pesky little spirits have infiltrated the Alteryx Community, and we could use your help! You see, these ghosts aren't necessarily a danger to anyone - can you imagine if interactive lessons had been possessed by something evil? Then we'd really have problems.


It seems as though the sneaky little spectres seem to be congregating around specific buttons and links around the community in a game of hide and seek (links that seem to be pretty important for a holistic community experience for our members, no less). Even though these little guys aren't causing any major harm, we would definitely appreciate the help of the community to find them. There seem to be nine posses of poltergeists throughout the community, and you'll know you've found them when you hover over a link or a button and they pop out to say hello!


Here's where it gets fun - keep a list going of all the places that you've found the little guys, and once you have all nine, respond to this thread with their locations! Now, in the spirit of fun, don't forget to add a spoiler to your answer so others can still enjoy the hunt. We'll be sure to shout out all of you that participate and find the wily wraiths before the game of digital ghostbusting ends on November 3.


As an even more fun added bonus, our own @KylieF created some absolutely amazing community avatar-based Halloween costumes to make things even more fun - when you post your answer, make sure to include what costume you'd like to wear from the list below - we'll be updating at the end of each day and you'll get a nice little shareable surprise.


COSTUMES (pictured below L to R)

  • Megaman X
  • Swamp Creature
  • Frankenstein
  • Mummy
  • Witch
  • RX-78-2 Gundam
  • Candy Corn Monarch
  • Bone Collector



And if you're struggling - don't worry!  We'll be adding some hints as the game goes on to ensure that everyone has a fighting chance to find them. You've got from October 27th through November 3rd to round up the hiding spots of these freaky phantoms. Have a fun and spooky time this week while you live out your "Ghost Hunters: Alteryx Community" dreams!



OK guys, as someone who has been collaborating with the ghosts to let them have a bit of fun - here's the first hint for those of you that are struggling. It looks like they seem to be congregating around a newer area of the community - particularly one that might help amplify new opportunities for those that know Alteryx...



OK y'all, it's time for another hint!  This one is going to be pretty helpful for all of you that are already Core Certified (hint hint), as the ghosts have upped their hiding game.  If you think you know where something should be, but the ghosts aren't showing up - try looking at it again in an incognito window - it's like using EVP tech, just in the community.



Alrighty then, it's time for our third hint as we enter the home stretch of searching for spectres! One of the gangs of ghouls in the community is hanging around a button that would be pretty darn useful if you wanted to automatically keep up to date on the happenings of what's going on in the community overall. I wonder if they found it by following me and @KylieF as we were making our monthly stop...

Will Machin
Community Management Team Lead
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Got some more costumes, fresh off the press for our fantastic scavengers! Thank you all again for participating!







(Sorry I couldn't make yours a gif, the software I'm using wasn't a fan)




Program Manager - Community Platform, Alteryx
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I've finally found all of them.




I choose the form of RX-78-2 Gundam !



deleted and posted in Spoilers

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Uazir 


Thank you for your participation. Can you please place your answers in the spoilers so that the fun of finding is not spoiled for the other GhostBusters.




You can do it by clicking on 3dots at the left top of your post and select edit reply. Refer below



Next insert the spoiler tag by clicking on the triangle above. Refer below


 Cut and paste your answers in the spoiler tag. This will create a collapsible spoiler tag where the answer is visible only when people expand it.


Thank you for participating and Happy Halloween 👻



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus





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Trick or treat
Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.
21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

This is interesting, hehe.
I have found 8 finally with a lot of help from here 😂
But could not verify the one about the certification suggested by @atcodedog05 .
And I would like to have the "Bone Collector".


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22 - Nova
22 - Nova
Hi @Qiu 

Try this link

Hover on recertify like below. If this doesn't work open this page in incognito or signout and check out this page.


You might not be able to see the recertify because 1 yr cooling period might not be completed. When it shows certified guessing there is no link under it hence specters are not showing up. When in incognito or signed out mode the certify button is still active hence you will be able to see.

Would my theory be correct @KylieF ? 🙂
21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Thanks a lot.

I think I am still a few days away, hehe.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Alrighty then, it's time for our third hint as we enter the home stretch of searching for spectres! One of the gangs of ghouls in the community is hanging around a button that would be pretty darn useful if you wanted to automatically keep up to date on the happenings of what's going on in the community overall. I wonder if they found it by following me and @KylieF as we were making our monthly stop...

Will Machin
Community Management Team Lead