Community News

Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Welcome to the first Community Highlights edition of 2019!  For first time readers, this ongoing blog series delivers a just the right size dose of the best community happenings so that you can keep a pulse on what’s hot, who’s in, and all of the latest trends.

In Case You Missed It

*Community news & announcements.


Alteryx Grand Prix Call for Racers Open Now

Do you have the need for speed? Show everyone just how fast you are at building workflows — registration is now open for the 2019 Grand Prix in Nashville!


Alteryx Analytics 2019.1 – A little sweetness for everyone

Just like the 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate that were given out around the world, we introduced Alteryx Analytics 2019.1 with a little something sweet for everyone!



2019 ACE Nominations Are Open!

Join us in highlighting some of our biggest supporters and solvers who help make the Alteryx community rich and inclusive for all.


Never. Stop. Learning.

*Alteryx Academy. All the training resources you need.


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Just getting started with Designer? Check out the Designer Cheat Sheet! Designed with the trial user in mind, the cheat sheet helps new users get up and running quickly by separating commonly used tools into categories and actions that are easily understood. Hover on the tool icons for a brief description of a tool, or even download and print the document to keep as a handy reference guide at your desk!


Weekly Challenge


Challenge # 152: A challenge where you can't use an Input Data tool or a Summarize tool? Sounds like a good challenge, indeed!

Challenge #150: In 1997 a series of events were set into motion by Dean, Libby, and Ned, which eventually became Alteryx. Track the following star trajectories. It feels like they are aligning about now! How will you know when you're done? You'll only know it when you see it!

Challenge #148: This challenge was provided by Alteryx users just like you! Solve the problem of the rotating century puzzle with Alteryx.


Are there other Alteryx skills you’d like to put into practice? No problem. We’ve got you covered. You can browse all of the available challenges by difficulty and subject right here.



Born To Solve-edited.pngUpcoming Live Training


March 5th | Advanced Certification Prep (Part II)

Join us for Part 2 of our six-part series on preparing for the Advanced Certification Exam. This week's session will focus on macros.

March 12th | Parsing Dates and Times

Working with dates and times can be an issue in other applications. Learn about the tools in Alteryx that allow you to work easily with dates and times. Learn how to quickly read in dates/times in a variety of formats. We'll also look at the many date/time formulas available to get the results you need.

March 19th | Advanced Certification Prep (Part III)

Join us for Part 3 of our six-part series on preparing for the Advanced Certification Exam. This week's session will focus on building apps.

March 26th | Born to Solve (Chapter 3)

Join us for the third edition of our four part mini-series, Born to Solve. If you find yourself in a position where you know and understand Alteryx at a very high level, but have difficulty seeing how experienced users see a solution, think of a problem, or envision a way to solve - join us! In this informal session, we will put a analytic problem (not seen prior) in front of an Alteryx user and see how they figure it out. Our hope is that you walk away understanding not only a problem, but the different approaches and mindsets that can be taken reaching a solution.


If you missed a live session, or are curious to see what's available on-demand, check out the Live Training Index & Welcome.


Nuts & Bolts

*Alteryx in Practice. Noteworthy Articles, Blog Posts + other pearls of wisdom.


You can find new content across all our product knowledge bases — from what's new in Connect 2019.1, troubleshooting a Server migration, and restoring a Promote cluster from a backup to several helpful articles to maximize your Designer experience:



Read our Blogs


In Auto Documentation, @KatieH  Alteryx Product Manager, relays her experience collaborating with customers to create an app that documents the contents of an Alteryx workflow.

Over on Engine Works, we were excited to see several new contributors share their expertise. Check out the stellar content from @jantdm, @jdunkerley79, and @ianwi:


If you're looking to expand your horizons, the latest from @SydneyF will guide you through AI hot topics and data science best practices:



Culture & Events

*Immerse yourself in data and analytics culture.


New episodes | Alter Everything Podcast


You may have noticed we altered our podcast look and sound just for you - let us know what you think of the new album artwork and new theme music!


I was honored to have the opportunity to kick off 2019 by hosting a Women of Analytics spotlight podcast featuring @MKosmicki  and @ChristineB. In the episode, we share candid perspectives on gender equality in analytics, and tackle thought provoking topics like using data in journalism. Listen to episode 24: Be unapologetic in your truth for more.


In episode 25: Pythagorean expectations, Alteryx's @NickJ joins us for a chat about trends in data science and analytics culture. Be sure to keep listening to the after-show for a fun conversation about analytics in hockey!


Episode 26: Joe Mako me crazy will give you all the feels as @TuvyL hosts @AlexKo  and @Joe_Mako for a discussion on why it's important to be honest about vulnerability. Be sure to also read the show notes for links to all of their amazing shout-outs and resources for personal growth.


The latest episode, 27: Into the wind tunnel is a whirlwind adventure of how @johnpoppin went from coding a basic game for his childhood friends to working for Apple, Porche, and now TurnItIn. Stay tuned for the after-show where @BrianO and John make a pact to go to Mars.


Comment on your favorite Alter Everything Podcast episodes right here on Community and don't forget to subscribe on your app of choice: Apple Podcasts | Soundcloud & more!



Women of Analytics Networking Event


On March 7th, to celebrate International Women’s Day, Alteryx Women of Analytics is hosting its first Networking Mixer in the Broomfield office. Whether you are in a position of leadership, a student, or just getting started in your career, you're invited to join us in this celebration of diversity in the workplace, and engage in candid, honest conversations about ways to continue to #BalanceForBetter. Register now.


Additional event details can be found on the Women of Analytics Group page on Alteryx Community.


The Funnies

*Where we share the random, bizarre, and usually hilarious things that pop-up in our Community.


Guess who made an unexpected appearance at last night's Alteryx User Group Meeting?! 😎


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While I did not ride a motorcycle into the 2018 keynote, I can't help but feel privileged to be listed among such iconic women. Thanks for the shout out @ThizViz


Before we wrap things up, I wanted to take a moment to recognize those on my team who take time out of their busy days to identify the very best content to incorporate into this blog on a monthly basis


ChristineB - All things ACADEMYChristineB - All things ACADEMY     MattD - KB ConnoisseurMattD - KB Connoisseur     NeilR - All-Star CommunitrizerNeilR - All-Star Communitrizer

LaurenU - Funnies Champ, YASSSLaurenU - Funnies Champ, YASSS     MaddieJ - Podcast ExtraordinaireMaddieJ - Podcast Extraordinaire


Join me in thanking these rockstars (@ChristineB@MattD@NeilR@MaddieJ, and @LaurenU) for their contributions to this very special blog series time and time again!

Thanks for tuning in. We'll be back with more highlights next month!

Leah Knowles
Senior Manager, Community Management & Programs

Leah is responsible for building and growing engagement programs that enable community members to make the most of the Alteryx product suite. She is passionate about building customer communities to collaborate and solve real world business problems, and believes that connecting with people and building relationships leads to better work. Follow her on twitter @LeahMKnowles

Leah is responsible for building and growing engagement programs that enable community members to make the most of the Alteryx product suite. She is passionate about building customer communities to collaborate and solve real world business problems, and believes that connecting with people and building relationships leads to better work. Follow her on twitter @LeahMKnowles