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Bar Chart Sort/Order

For the Charting tool, specify descending/reverse order for a Bar Chart type, so that it puts the largest value at the top.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @mateevici,

Thank you for the input! We are in the process of detailing out some improvements for the Charting tool; I will be sure to include this request in our discussions. Great idea!


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review
7 - Meteor

In the old charting tool, you could change the order of the series by moving them up or down. This feature has been eliminated from the new charting tool. I want sales percent to be the top bar, but despite which 'series' I put it in, inventory percent is the top bar, as the order appears to be alphabetic. It would be nice to have that option added back in.


In the new charting tool, you can adjust the number of decimal places for your series, which is great. Adding '%' as a suffix to the series label would be nice. There is an option to add to the axis label, but not to the series.


Horizontal axis (x-axis) displays at an angle. Having an alignment option (center; vertical; horizontal; etc.) is preferable.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi @mateevici

We wanted to give an update on this idea! As of the 18.3 Designer release we have introduced a new Interactive Chart tool which has replaced the existing Charting tool and will bring a much more interactive experience for creating reports. With this new tool, you can easily specify the sort order of your data that is coming into the tool and ready for display in your chart. We are also focused on continuing to build additional experience improvements into this Interactive Chart tool; the team is looking into the possibility to be able to specify the sort order within the Interactive Chart tool as well (vs. upstream).


We hope you find the new tool fun and useful!



8 - Asteroid

Hi @KatieH ,


Would you mind giving an update on the sorting functionality please?

I have set a sort tool upfront with the numeric order I want to apply but it doesn't seem to work.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
@Genevieve Hi, sorry you are having trouble. Can you confirm the incoming data type is an integer and not a string? Sometimes they come in as strings and the sort functionality does not work as expected. If it is an integer, can you share your workflow or we setup a time to get this fixed? Thank you, Alex Polly
8 - Asteroid

@apollyHi Alex,

I am baffled. While preparing an extract of my workflow to share with you. The data behaved in a near ordered manner. But when I check my oringinal workflow and have identical set up (just coming from a longer process) it does not behave.  I haven't found the way to attach the workflow to this reply.

If we can find a common time to have a look together. I am in UK time. Thank you.

workflowworkflowordered data (except the legend)ordered data (except the legend)non ordered datanon ordered data

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for your post! Our product team has reviewed this idea and are really interested in it. However, we're unable to fit this idea on the current road map for the near future. They would like to keep this idea in mind however for when updates to the Interactive Chart tool are being made. We'll do our best to update this idea again once we known when or if we are able to include this on the road map.