Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Select Oracle Data Types when creating table using Output Data

Currently when creating a table in Oracle in Alteryx there is a lot of "magic" that happens under the hood in converting Alteryx data types to Oracle data types.

For example fixed decimal creates NUMBER, String created CHAR and V_String created VARCHAR.

It would be great to have an option to review the Oracle data types in the Output Data Tool when writing to Oracle. This would improve efficiency when using Alteryx to create Oracle tables. 

See picture for example of what would display in output configuration. 

Data type idea.png

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for the feedback! We have no immediate plans to implement, but please continue to star if you'd like to see this!

6 - Meteoroid

For the cost of this product, this seems like something that would save a lot of people a lottttttttttttt of time.

6 - Meteoroid

By th way KNIME and pentaho already has this basic feature