Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Read Tableau Extract Files

Right now we can create Tableau extract files (.tde), but cannot read them into Alteryx -- this limits the partnership of these two companies.
Please add the functionality to import .tde files,

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

We're thrilled to announce that, through the integration of Tableau's new Hyper API with the Input Data tool, you can now read Tableau Hyper Data Extract (.hyper) files as an input data source from within Alteryx Designer! We've been tracking this request for a long time and were quick to act once Tableau enabled this functionality.


The ability to read Hyper files is currently in beta and can be accessed from Alteryx Beta Program > Alteryx Analytics Beta 2019.4 > Designer | Tableau Hyper API Integration.


Thank you to @jeremy_dalletezze and everyone who has commented or liked this idea! We appreciate your participation and enthusiasm for Alteryx.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

I'm updating this idea to Coming Soon, as this functionality will be available in an upcoming release and is available in our current beta!

5 - Atom

Fantastic. Excellent news. I hope to test it soon.

13 - Pulsar

Great news ! Thanks.

8 - Asteroid

Great news 




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @AlexBibin,





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

The ability to read Hyper files is now available in the 2019.4 release. Learn more by reading See What all the Hype's About in 2019.4.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

This is being updated to implemented with the 2019.4 release.

8 - Asteroid

Can this be extended to .hyper tableau extract files not just the legacy .tde. please ignore this comment. Just realised I missed the request and implemented note on .hyper

9 - Comet

Hello @KylieF , I'm trying out the read Hyper files feature in 2019.4 and it's got two serious holes:


1) It only reads single table extracts. We can create multiple-table extracts through the Tableau Desktop interface as well as the Hyper API, if we do then we get a "no fields found" error on that extract file.


2) As far as I can tell the only schema.table name supported by Alteryx is "Extract.Extract" (which is what the older Extract API 2.0 generated). The Hyper API defaults to "public" as the default schema and table names are user entered so if I've used the Hyper API to add a table called "Facilities" then by default I'll get "public.Facilities" as my schema.table name. When I open that in Alteryx I get a "no fields found" error. 


My first wish is that the Input step support multiple schema/multiple table hyper files, so when the user connects to the Hyper file the Input step would at least allow the user to select the schema and then the table. That would at least enable me to be able to work with multiple table extracts as well as Hyper files generated by the Hyper API.


Should I submit a new Idea for this?


(My second wish would be that the Input step for Hyper files actually uses the schema/table/query interface used for databases, since the Hyper engine supports queries), and my third wish would be for In-DB tools to work on Hyper files.)

