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Output Option for Excel: Overwrite Data but not the Formatting

It would be great if there was an output option for excel files where you could overwrite the data in the sheet, but keep the formatting in the sheet. Similar to how the Paste Values option works in Excel. This would allow me to create a template with data validation, conditional formatting, column widths, cell fill colors, etc and set a workflow to run on a schedule and just paste the data into the existing template.


To get around this right now I have to output it to a separate tab and then paste the columns as values over the existing template. This is fine unless I am out of the office and need to bother someone else to do it. I know there have been many times where i wish this was an option outside of the report I am currently building. I am honestly surprised I couldn't find an idea already submitted about this!




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Designer Idea Board!


This feature will be available in an upcoming release! We'll update this idea again once the release is publicly available for download.

Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for suggesting this! For the 2020.1 release, we have added the ability to write to a range and preserve the formatting of those cells. To enable this functionality you will need to check the 'Preserve Formatting on Overwrite' option. There are also some other Excel enhancements in this release as well. You can view the 2020.1 release notes here.

8 - Asteroid

Is there a list of Excel formatting features that are preserved somewhere?


I noticed that it keeps some really good things like column widths, freeze panes, auto-filter and even the auto-filter selections 🙂

But changes I made to the fill and font color are not...

Text-wrapping is also not preserved.

I haven't tested Conditional formatting yet...

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @MJ, unfortunately there isn't one that I know of; I think that would be a great resource. You could post in the Designer discussion forum and I'm sure one of our ACEs or superusers will have more information.



8 - Asteroid
8 - Asteroid

No word yet on the list features that are preserved.  Please let me know if there is a way to know without having to test everything.

12 - Quasar

This is a great idea.