Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Enhance the Find Tool by displaying annotations for tools and the caption for containers

The Find Tool (View>Find or Ctrl+F) does a great job of finding text in a workflow.  The window displayed by the Find Tool includes each tool # and the Name from each tool's Annotation tab.


Please consider displaying this additional data in the window of the Find Tool:

- Annotation text for tools

- Caption for containers  (like the right-click Zoom functionality has)


Since Containers don't have a "Name" field like tools do, displaying the Caption for a container would be helpful.


See this thread:





Status changed to: Coming Soon

The ability to search annotations and contain captions will be available in an upcoming release. Thanks for the suggestion!

Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for this suggestion! The Find Tool dialog has been enhanced with the 2019.4 release ( and can now search annotations and container captions.

15 - Aurora

Your development team is absolutely amazing.  Thank you.


I just installed Designer version 2019.4 and can finally see the improvements to the Find window.  You went above and beyond, making the window dockable.


With our last analytics software vendor, I can't tell you how many improvements I suggested, without many standing a chance of ever being implemented.


It's so nice to see that your team actually listens to and acts on customer requests.


Great job on the new Find window.  The functionality is perfect.