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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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maximize and minimize workflow canvas and configuration and results windows

It would make it a lot easier to create and manage a work stream if you added the standard ability to maximize and minimize the workflow canvas and configuration and results windows.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

I'm looking into making it easier to minimize and maximize the configuration and results windows. Can you tell me a little more about what you are requesting? How would it help you work more easily in Designer?

13 - Pulsar

What about a short cut like Alt + Q

so that config window and

results windows disappear

canvas + tools shown only...

8 - Asteroid
I like the idea of a simple key stroke like Alt + Q to minimize the config window and results windows.

Tim Ozirsky | Customer Experience Senior Manager | Kronos Incorporated
tel: +1 978 947 4217 |

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13 - Pulsar

actually I like the upcoming look and feel and it kind of address the limited canvas issue...

But still on click on and of would be awesome, @TimOzirsky thanks for the support

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Atabarezz Are you referring to the new look and feel we showed at Inspire in the keynote demo and UX Lab? 

13 - Pulsar

@RachelWyes indeed...