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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
With an increasing number of different projects, involving different machine learning models, it's becoming difficult to manage different package versions across workflows. Currently, the Python tool has a single virtual environment, so we need to develop models in different projects always using the same Python and package versions as the Python tool venv. While this doesn't bother the code itself too much, it becomes a problem as soon as we store and load pickled models, which are sensitive to even minor changes in packages.
This is even more so a problem when we are working on the Alteryx server, where different teams might use different packages. Currently, there is only the server admin who can install packages on the server and there can only be one version per package.
So, a more robust venv management in the Python tool would be much appreciated!
Currently when you add an event to notify you of workflow failure / success - you have to enter the SMTP settings every time. It would be more efficient to set this up as a user setting which can be used for the default across all canvasses that this user creates.
When I import an Excel file in to Alteryx I get an error: “shared strings root=x:sst” and Alteryx cannot read the file.
I can work around this by manually opening and saving the excel before importing it into Alteryx but this is not ideal, especially considering the automation implications.
I believe this may be happening because the XLSX generated by the source of the report has a prefix “x:” in all the tags in the Shared String XML embedded in Excel. See:
Essentially, it would appear Alteryx is not able to read generated Excel sheets which has the prefix "x:" (e.g. from a bot). The second file which has been opened and saved in Excel manually can be read by Alteryx correctly.
Example of file as exported from ”BOT”:
How the same file looks once it is manually opened and saved:
Ideally Alteryx would read the file as is, i.e. with the "X:SST" tag seen above as having to manually open and save the excel before it can be read is rather clunky.
We build some pretty robust maps with multiple connections and it would be great to copy the map tool and paste it with all of the connections when we want to tweak the map slightly but keep our original map. It is a regular occurrence for us to have a very detailed map grouping by trade area name and then may want to have an overview map with all of the same connections but slightly different layout. Tracking down the connections, reconnecting them and naming them accordingly takes a substantial amount of time even in the most organized of workflows. This function would be a huge time-saver. It would also be of value with joins and unions - anywhere you have multiple streams coming in.
Due to different file formats whether it is .xlsb or any other formats, sometimes it requires end user to install additional drivers/engine.
Some of these driver installations require installations of outdated software e.g. Microsoft Access 2013 (Microsoft Access Database Engine 2013), which poses unnecessary security risk.
Therefore we recommend that in the future version should take note and incorporate such drivers into the installation package so that there is no need to install them separately.
Now that we have a Snowflake Bulk Loader option, it would be great to utilize the built-in Snowflake internal staging. This eliminates the need for an end-user to have the technical know-how or access to IT resources to utilize a separate S3 bucket and generally reduces friction in the process.
There was pretty widespread support in the original Bulk Load thread:
Hi all,
Something really interesting I found - and never knew about, is there are actually in-DB predictive tools. You can find these by having a connect-indb tool on the canvas and dragging on one of the many predictive tools.
For instance:
boosted model dragged on empty campus:
Boosted model tool deleted, connect in-db tool added to the canvas:
Boosted Model dragged onto the canvas the exact same:
This is awesome! I have no idea how these tools work, I have only just found out they are a thing. Are we able to unhide these? I actually thought I had fallen into an Alteryx Designer bug, however it appears to be much more of a feature.
Sadly these tools are currently not searchable for, and do not show up under the in-DB section. However, I believe these need to be more accessible and well documented for users to find.
Sometimes I need to connect to the data in my Database after doing some filtering and modeling with CTEs. To ensure that the connection runs quicker than by using the regular input tool, I would like to use the in DB tool. But is doesn't working because the in DB input tool doesn't support CTEs. CTEs are helpful for everyday life and it would be terribly tedious to replicate all my SQL logic into Alteryx additionally to what I'm already doing inside the tool.
I found a lot of people having the same issue, it would be great if we can have that feature added to the tool.
Here's a reason to get excited about amp! Create a runtime setting that gets Alteryx working even faster.
when you configure a file input you see 100 records. Imagine the delight that after you run your workflows all input tools are automatically cached. You run so much faster.
now think of the absolute delight that even before you run the workflows that a configured input tool causes a background read off the input data. Whether it is a new workflow or an opened existing flow that reading can start ahead of the time button.
what do you think 🤔?
It would be great to have the below functionality in Alteryx.
A workflow is built in Alteryx and button click in Alteryx can be used to generate SQL code that can be ran on a specific database platform, such as SQL Server to run external editors such as SQL Server Management Studio. Thanks.
Hi there,
We often get the following error message from the download tool
"00:00:23.555 - Error - ToolId 106: Error in libCURL: You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon."
Unfortunately this seems to be a transient error so we've not been able to replicate this in a useful & repeatable way. However - we see this happening at least a few times per week on one of our servers, so this is a continuing issue.
Please could you provide more detailed error messaging on the download tool so that this error can be debugged and/or replicated?
Many thanks
Have you ever had the business deliver an Excel (EEK!) file to be passed into Alteryx with a different number of header rows (because it looks pretty and is convenient)? Never, you say? Lies!
I would suggest adding an option to the Input Data Tool that would give us the ability concatenate multiple header rows. This would help enable accurate data profiling for columns when output and eliminate loss from unnecessary conversion errors. Currently, the options allow us to Start Data Input on Line X; however, if the header for the column is on multiple rows, they would have to be manually entered after input due to only being able to select the lowest possible row to assure the data is accurately passed. The solution would be to be able to specify the number of rows that contain headers, concatenate them to a single row (ignoring null and carriage return) and then output that as the header.
The current functionality, in a situation where each row has a variable number of header rows, causes forced errors such as a scientific string conversion of a numeric value.
I believe many have voiced out this as their pain point within the Community. Essentially, there is no straightforward method to import multiple Excel files which are password protected.
I understand that there is an R solution suggested by several users, however, that is not ideal as it can be difficult to obtain permission from internal Tech team to install the package on the users' computers.
Re-saving them without password is not only a hassle, but also raises concerns for data protection and security.
This may have been raised before, but we would like to see the equivalent of PRICE and YIELD formulas from Excel in Alteryx's Formula tool. I believe many users in the finance industry are using formulas like these frequently and it would be helpful to be able to replicate the formula in Alteryx.
Manually building the formula is possible, however it is unnecessarily complicated especially if you are working on different calendar basis e.g. 30 /360 European.
Thank you!
Hi to all,
I have seen one or two posts requesting ability to total up rows and/or columns of numbers, however this idea also requests the ability to subtotal data by a field and also produce an overall total.
This could be an extension to existing tools such as 'Summarise' and 'Cross Tab' or could be a stand alone tool. Desired output of using a tool like this would produce something like this:
This would be incredibly useful for building reports within Alteryx as well as analysing the data, and cut down the amount of tools currently required to produce this. I have seen a third party tool which does some of this but this adds the ability to subtotal.
thanks - Roger
The introduction fo a rank tool would be hugely beneficial. Whilst there are currently means to rank using a combination of other tools formula/running total/multirow etc... a specific "Rank Tool" would be provide a seemless and smoother way to rank your data either for further analysis or purely to output this field.
This tool should include a sort by and group by functionaility as well as options for ranking (such as dense ranking or unique ranking) and in addition multi levels of ranking (ie. Rank by "Field A" Then By "Field B" etc...).
My issue is very easy to solve. I want to use the generic ODBC in memo for a specific base (monetdb here but it isn't important).
I try to ouput a flow in a MonetDB SQL database. As you can see, I only take very simple field types
However I get this error message :
Error: Output Data (3): Error creating table "exemplecomparetable.toto": [MonetDB][ODBC Driver 11.44.0][MONETDB_SAU]Type (datetime) unknown in: "create table "exemplecomparetable"."toto" ("ID" int,"Libellé" char(50),"Date d"
syntax error in: ""Prix""
CREATE TABLE "exemplecomparetable"."toto" ("ID" int,"Libellé" char(50),"Date de Maj" datetime,"Prix" float,"PMP" float)
Reminder : SQL is an ISO Norm. Default type should follow it, not the MS SQL configuration. Interoperability is key
Links to : for in-db
Issues constated : MonetDB
Best regards,
The Transpose In-db stands in the "Laboraty" for years now. I understand Alteryx invested some time and money to develop that but sadly we still can't use that tool for sensitive workflows. Did you get some bugs on it? Can you please correct it and make this tool an "official" tool?
After talking with support we found out that Oracle Financial Cloud ERP is not listed among supported Data Sources as stated in the url below:
We would like this added as our company will begin working heavily with Oracle Financial Cloud ERP to bring data from that into our SQL servers. Is there a reason why that connection is not currently being investigated and set up?
In short:
Add an option to cache the metadata for a particular tool so that it doesn't forget when using tool that have dynamic metadata such as batch macros or alteryx metadata engine can't resolve such as python tool.
Longer explanation:
The Problem:
One of the issues I often encounter when making dynamic workflows or ones that require calling external services is that Alteryx often forgets the metadata of what columns to expect. This causes the workflow to forget configuration of downstream tools when a workflow is first opened or when the metadata engine refreshes. There is currently the option to disable the metadata engine from automatically refreshing but this isn't a good option because you miss out on much of the value it brings.
Some of the common tools where I encounter this issue:
Instead could we add an option to cache the metadata for a particular tool, this would save the metadata from the last time the workflow ran to within the workflows XML so that it persists when closed and reopened. Then when the metadata engine runs when it gets to this tool instead of resolving the metadata from the tool it instead uses the saved version in the XML. Obviously when it actually runs it would ignore this and any errors would still occur.
This could be an option in navigation pane of each tool. Mockup below:
This would make developing dynamic workflows far easier and resolve issues of configuration being lost when the metadata changes and alteryx forgets the options.