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When workig on a module with many tools, and one of those tools is the Allocate Input tool (Experian US), whenever you try to access or configure that other tools, there is a delayed reponse.  I'm assuming because the Allocate data set is so large.  But, it would be nice, if possible, that when accessing/configuring other tools you did not get that delay.  My workaround is to Container the Allocate tool and disable it.  

When developing a module, I generally BROWSE the final data until I'm ultimately ready to generate output.  Then I need to add or replace a browse tool with an output tool.  Perhaps a general purpose output tool could save time for developers where the output tool functions as a browse tool until the output is actually checked on the tool configuration.

Taking this a step further, if an output is defined and the module is executed one could have a row limit on the read of data into the browse function of an output tool and see the first N records within a browse/output tool.

Sneak Peek.


In my environment, creating tables with fields in a particular order is a requirement.

The Select tool (and others) let me manually change sort orders. The Select tool will also allow me to sort on Field Name in Ascending or Descending order.

I can add a sort order prefix to my input data with the Dynamic Rename tool, connect a Select tool and then go into the Select tool properties to sort by Field Name. But this requires that I first run the module so that the Select tool knows what the incoming fields are called, then set up the Select tool properties, and then rerun the module. If I change the prefixes or the list of incoming variables, the Select tool has to be reconfigured.

It would be really nice if there was a Field Sort tool that only had Ascending or Descending as properties that would 'dynamically' do what the Sort on Field Name option in the Select tool does.

I got to know that in version 9.1 Alteryx will have Unique Tool with "Unknow"check box to make it dynamic. I want to suggest same logic for Summarize tool for making it Dynamic.
Please add Unknow like functionallity in Summarize Tool

Pratik Gujarathi 

In the Browse window:

  1. Can we add a Find function like in excel? (e.g. find record_ID==4 or name =='foobar')
  2. Can we click the column name so it sorts on that field?
  3. In 9.0 when I click 'Cell Viewer' in Browse window,  'Show Whitespace' seems to be turn on by default. Can we turn it off like in 8.6?
  4. When I click the 'Fields' button to toggle fields on/off, it would be great to add a Sort function here too, so fields can be sorted a-z by fieldname (like in the Select tool).


Our team works with a lot of in-house transaction data sets that have been put into a calgary database.  It would be much easier to build apps that use the calgary input tool without having to configure html code.

Currently when I open and run an app in designer mode im unable to access any other modules while it runs.  It would be nice to be able to work on other modules while an app runs without opening a debug.

Add an option to read directly from a zip file.

It would be nice to have the ability to double click the top area of a container to either show or hide the container's objects. Only being able to show or hide containers using the arrow icon in the top right is quite cumbersome for large containers because it requires a lot of horizontal scrolling in order to change the desired view of the modules workflow.

I think a great functionality addon would be a tool that could allow one to impute dates.  While the formula tool and multi-row tool can in many cases assist, it is not useful when dealing with batch macros where a date imputation would need to change.

For example, in the Properties tool (I say that generally because it could be in more than one place in that tool) all the user to enable to visibly see the path of the variable in the flow on the canvas.  As shown in the mock-up image below (as crude as it is, I think you get the idea).  This would allow you to trace the path forward and backwards in the flow, seeing where the variable entered and when it exited.  This could be something you can turn on and off like the grid option.

Instead of being a module setting, showing counts should/could be a user setting.

Seeing how we use browse to tools to help build out modules, but they slow down the modules because they write out temp files, it would be awesome to have a "record count" option similar to the input tool. This would allow us to see the data as it's flowing through the module without slowing it down.  Adding a sample tool before every browse would be fairly cumbersome. 

When building an expression (e.g. [Store Type] in ("Supermarket", "C-Store", "Gas Station") ) when the user selects the field variable, provide all the unique values in that field so user can double-click and add them to the expression, without having to look and see what values are in the table, what data type (shows quotes if string) and manually type the values, which can lead to errors.

This functionality is currently available in GIS programs such as ArcGIS and Quantum GIS (QGIS).

When working with a transactional API, it would be beneficial to allow for multiple threads to process the workload concurrently.  A single threaded consumption is a good start, but for more volume a throttled multi-threaded tool would be very helpful.
For many of us who use Alteryx to transform sensitive data, the Gallery is only a potential liability.  While Alteryx was able to disable the Gallery for us through a custom solution, it seems like users/account admins should be able to draw a hard line more easily and confirm Alteryx is only enabled to work on prem. 
As there is a DateTimeFirstOfMonth() Formula function is there any reason why there is not or could not be a DateTimeFirstOfWeek() equivilant.

Provide the ability to leverage data "Connectors" as an option in the "Dynamic Input" tool.

Currently on the input tool I can only specify if the first row contains data.  It would be great if I could simply specify which row the data starts on, ie. row 4 or row 500, and then specify which row, if at all, contains the headers.

Ability to adjust the underlying speeds on the roadways via the GUI and eliminate having to modify the xml file and registry OR adjust the existing speeds in Guzzler that correspond to the urban roadways to bette reflect traffic volume and the resulting drive time polygons that are created in dense urban areas.
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