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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Problem: When you configure fields manually in the union control and then go back to remove a field it throws up an error that "XYZ field missing"
Solution: One needs to change the config to "arrange fields by name" then refresh before you can arrange fields manually

I would like this problem to be handled by some method that tracks for changes and warns the user rather than throw an error.
Correct me if I am wrong, when I use the trade area tool, the only non-spatial data appended to my input dataset is the RadiusSize field. Can this be expanded to include the Units selected (km, miles or minutes) and the dataset used for drive time, plus AreaSqMi, etc? Values like 10 in my RadiusSize field are useful but I would like to have all Trade Area details.

Actually, could you incorporate trade area tool into the spatial match tool since these tools are usually used one after the other?


If you have either of these situations: 1) a series of dependent database outputs (as in database-supplied auto-incrementing IDs needed for subsequent Inserts/Updates) or 2) writing a file that is used later in a workflow (as in a Run Command call or an R script), you need a way to guarantee tools that don't have outputs themselves (like the Output Tool) are complete. I believe this use case is fairly common.

If the Input tool had an (optional) input stream and the Output tool had an (optional) output stream, you could fully incorporate them into workflows, including use of Block Until Done. I know there are some alternative solutions to make this work, but they are not intuitive.

It would be very powerful to be able to multi-thread batch macros. Since the data for each batch is known and unrelated between batches, it seems like the processing of each batch could be distibuted to multiple processors without issue. This could dramatically increase performance in certain situations.
Pulling data down from Salesforce takes a looong time. It would be a great feature to be able to cache this, similar to how 9.5 added database caching.


I have had a number of requests for Alteryx to provide XML as an output format. It would be great to have configuration settings to allow for just text based output:
<Row ID="18606" Order_Priority="Not Specified" Discount="0.01" Unit_Price="2.88" Shipping_Cost="0.5"/>

As well as well formatted output, like this:


The tabs for the Workflow-Configuration sheet has the Canvas tab as the first one and defaults back to the Canvas tab after running.  I want to be able to have the Workflow tab be the first tab and return to the Workflow tab after running.  This can either be the default, or user-selectable ordering of the tabs.


Just learnt today that Download Tool doesn't support uploading to a SFTP server. This feature is pretty critical and essential for many use in the Enterprise world. Is this something we can expect in next release?

Besides regular pdf's, can you add geospatial PDF output support to Alteryx? Geospatial pdfs contain maps with layers that can be dynamically toggled on/off inside the pdf document.

There are several tools and tool categories that I have limited knowledge of.  It would be a nice feature to be able to right click on a tool and in addition to  "help",  have an option to view a video (on-line) overview of the tool or tool category  including examples of using the tool

I recently cam across a limitation in Alteryx, where we can't download non-CSV files using Amazon S3 download tool. There is currently support only for CSV, and couple of other formats but we are using JSON files (.jl) extensively and not having the tool download the files into the workflow is disapointing as now i have to build a custom code outside Alteryx to do that before I can start my workflow.

Can this be please given prompt attention and prioritized accordingly.

Have a feature in Alteryx that automatically and dynamically creates documentation or a SOP standard operating procedure. I imagine the flow and connectivity of each process  would cause it to be easy enough to translate from a visual display into a written form. This would be extremely helpful to workflows that touch and handle data that has to be accounted for, whether that be through an audit or any other forms of IT controls.

90% of the time when dragging in an input tool I need to drag in a select tool to pick only the fields that you want.  Best practice suggests this should be 100% of the time for efficiency.  Embeding this functionality within the input tool itself would save a step.

It would be handy to have an increment function similar to SQL's Identity datatype that allows you to specify a seed and increment value.  It would seem like a really simple tool to add.  Ideally the seed value could come from an incoming connection to give the flexibility of retrieving the seed value from a database.

I've found a workaround explained on my blog here, but it would just be handy to have this built in.
It would be helpful to have a unique feature within Calgary in order to return a unique count or a data extract. The current Crss count will error if there are two many rows.

It would be extremely helpful if Alteryx could add quick filters to the data browsing windows that would allow you to filter the contents of the window based on each column.  Essentially just replicate what you can do with quick filters in Excel.

Without this, I'm often forced to copy my data out into Excel in order to do any detailed trouble-shooting, and often there's too much data to copy, which prevents me from quickly getting to what I need.

Of course you can create a whole separate filter object, but that's combersome and requires re-running the workflow.

Dear Alteryx Team

A nice to have :
Possibility to create output directories automatically using a given fieldname in order to organize properly macros outputs

Thanks a lot



I have a strong feeling Alteryx doesn't handle ascii control character End of medium (EM) when writing to an excel sheet. Created an unreadable excel file. However if you write the same data to csv and then open it in excel everything is fine. My idea is to have the bug fixed or to be informed what I did wrong.

Have the ability to see the data with the browse tool by simply clicking the component we want in the workflow.
The browse tool becomes a default property and not a component we have to insert in the workflow.

If this idea leads to bad performance, at least have a tickbox to mask/unmask all browse tools components + have a different color lines to distinct "real" workflow from browse tool which does not transform/calculate the data

Currently there are bulk loaders within alteryx for Teradata, Oracle and SQL Server.
It would be great to have a bulk loader for AWS Redshift in order to fully industrialize the workflow instead of using AWS S3 and then use a separate AWS Datapipeline for scheduling

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